Contact Us
Get in touch with us.
If you would like to inquire about our products and services, check prices or place an order, contact a Sales Representative by phone, fax or email.
All requests made during non-business hours will be responded to as early as possible the next business day.
New Accounts / Customer Services
RTL offers toll-free sales and customer support services during regular business hours. RTL hours are 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM PST.
Laboratory Sales
Toll Free: 800.255.2159, press option 1.
Local: 707.577.7959, press option 1
Screening Devices
Toll Free: 877.444.0049
Local: 707.571.1157
Fax: 707.577.8102
E-mail: sales@redwoodtoxicology.com
P.O. Box 5680, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
3650 Westwind Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Toxicology Support Services Information
To ensure your complete satisfaction, please do not hesitate to contact the following RTL staff members with any questions or concerns regarding your account.
Toll Free: 800.255.2159, press option 3.
Local: 707.577.7959, press option 3.
Fax: 707.577.0365
E-mail: clientservices@redwoodtoxicology.com
P.O. Box 5680
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Onsite Device Complaints
If you are experiencing issues with products purchased from Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, please do not hesitate to contact RTL staff members with any questions or concerns.
E-mail: USproductsupport@abbott.com
Information Technology
The IT Department is available during regular business hours to answer client inquiries about internet (toxaccess.redwoodtoxicology.com) and statistical reporting. Contact the IT Department to request your ToxAccess™ username and password for convenient results retrieval.
Toll Free: 800.255.2159, ext. 34311.
Local: 707.577.7959, ext. 34311.
Fax: 707.577.0471
E-mail: helpdesk@redwoodtoxicology.com
P.O. Box 5680
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
ToxAccess™ Reporting and Collection Management »
Testing Supplies
To request labels, bottles and shipping materials, contact our Toxicology Support Services Department. Supplies will be sent to your agency in three month increments.
Toll Free: 800.255.2159, press option 4.
Local: 707.577.7959, press option 4.
Fax: 707.237.8705
E-mail: supplies@redwoodtoxicology.com
P.O. Box 5680
Santa Rosa, CA 95402